I Before and After Photos I Liposuction Procedure I Morph I

Please read the following carefully for here you will find answers to many of the questions most often asked about liposuction surgery:

The purpose of plastic surgery is to make you look as good as it is possible for you to look. It cannot do more than that. If you are expecting a miracle transformation from surgery, you will be unquestionably disappointed. Plastic surgery is a combination of art and science. Surgery is not an exact science and because some of the factors involved in producing the final results (such as the healing process), are not entirely within the control of either the surgeon or the patient, it is not possible to guarantee results. Your goals and expectations should be realistic.

First, a few general concepts about Lipoplasty (also known as liposuction, suction-assisted lipectomy, lipolysis or simply "fat suctioning").

Lipoplasty of various body areas is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. In many instances, lipoplasty replaces the traditionally performed fat and skin excision, eliminating wide and often unsightly scars. The main advantage of liposuction is that incisions are often no more that 1/4" in length and can be strategically placed leaving very minimal, if any, scarring. Once the fat is "vacuumed out", the surrounding skin contracts because of the natural elasticity of the dermis (skin). The younger the patient, the more elastic the skin; however, with the advent of "superficial" (just under the skin) liposuction, Dr. Shamoun has performed the procedure successfully on selected individuals up to 75 years of age.

This new techniques allows us to remove larger amounts of fat from a given area and still have good skin contraction.

In addition of body contouring, the procedure is also used for removal of benign fatty tumors and lipomas. It is also used with other surgical procedures when skin removal is necessary such as facelifting, breast reduction or reduction of the abdomen. Liposuction is also an important tool in the treatment of gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men).

The following are a few questions often asked by patients:

1) Does liposuction replace dieting and exercise?

It is important to understand that this procedure in NOT a treatment for generalized obesity and does not replace dieting and/or exercise. However, it does contour "stubborn" body areas that do not respond to dieting and exercise. Dr. Shamoun has performed lipoplasty of the face and neck area, arms, abdomen, flanks, hip rolls, outer and inner thighs, above knees and ankles with very pleasing results.

2) Will I see results immediately?

Results are usually not seen at once. The initial recovery period takes approximately two or four days. Bruising to varying degrees follows. Significant improvement and results start to show after two weeks. Most of the improvement is noticeable at 3-4 weeks. The final result, however, may not be evident until up to six months after the procedure, during which time there is a gradual but continuous improvement of the contour.

3) Are medical photographs necessary?

Just as the chest surgeon cannot operate in an intelligent way without x-rays of the chest, the plastic surgeon cannot operate on the body without medical photographs. These photographs show your body in every detail and aid greatly during the planning and performance of the surgery. These photographs are not meant to flatter you. You will probably find them harsh and unsuitable for framing. As the rest of you medical records, these photographs are treated confidentially and are not release or shown without your consent.

4) If I gain weight after the liposuction, will the deformity return?

We are born with a given number of fat cells, just as we are born with a given number of brain cells, called "terminal cells". This means that when we gain weight, we do not produce more cells, but each individual fat cell gets larger; however, if fat cells are removed, then subsequent weight gain in the suctioned area will be only in proportion with other body areas. Therefore, the results of lipoplasty are permanent provided the body weight remains approximately the same. If, in general, body weight is gained, the operated areas will gain in proportion with the rest of the body.

5) What do I need to be aware of before the procedure?

It is recommended to stop taking Pondimin and Fastin ("Phen-Fen") 2 weeks before liposuction due to the adverse reactions they may cause when combined with anesthesia. It is also recommended to stop taking Vitamin E, aspirin, herbal teas and garlic due to the greater risk of bruising associated with these products. An all purpose multivitamin at least 3-4 weeks preoperatively to correct any diet related deficiency is recommended.

6) What are the complications of the procedure?

The technique appears to be relatively free of complications (more so that any other cosmetic operation) when performed by Dr. Shamoun, a specialist of lipoplasty. Postoperative bleeding, infection and tissue necrosis are possible, but much less common that they would be with other body contouring operations. During the postoperative period, the skin can temporarily develop ridges, dimpling or irregularities. These occur more commonly in older patients. Diminished sensation has been reported over the skin areas that were treated, but this usually is only temporary.

7) What type of anesthesia is used?

A local anesthesia is administered when and isolated small area is treated, however, when multiple areas are involved, usually alight general anesthetic is recommended. Spinal anesthetic is not a choice. Most importantly, regardless of the type of anesthesia you select, there will be no pain during the operation.

8) Will I need any bandages?

It is recommended that patients wear a pressure garment for approximately seven to ten days after surgery. Some patients find the garment so comfortable they continue wearing it for another week or two, mainly at night. When the new superficial technique is used, the garment is worn for a longer period of time.

9) When can I return to work?

Most patients are comfortable returning to work within two to four days after surgery. Whatever little discomfort is present following surgery can easily be controlled with mild analgesics.

10) When can an exercise program be resumed?

Light exercise in the form of walking should begin the day of surgery and continue for at least three weeks. During this time, heavy exercise such as aerobics, weight machines, jogging and bicycle riding should be avoided. A simple guideline is that for the first three weeks after surgery anything that takes more effort than lifting 30 pounds should be avoided.

Liposuction is a very rewarding surgical procedure because it accomplishes the goals established by the patient and the surgeon. It is important that you understand that all patients are different and the degree of surgical success differs with each patient. Your goals and expectations should be realistic.

If you have any questions, please be sure to have them answered in advance by me or my staff. The members of my office staff are thoroughly informed, trained and able to answer questions that may occur to you. Well-meaning friends are not a good source of information. Find out everything you want to know. A well-informed patient is a happy one!

I  Tummy Tuck  I  Liposuction  I  Body Lifts   

©Copyright 2001, Dr. John M. Shamoun, M.D. All rights reserved.