Liposuction in Newport Beach, Los Angeles and Southern California

Dr. John M. Shamoun performs liposuction surgery in the Newport Beach, Los Angeles, and Southern California areas. Dr. Shamoun has performed liposuction procedures for many years and is very experienced in the procedure.

Liposuction of various body areas is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. In many instances, liposuction replaces the traditionally performed fat and skin excision, eliminating wide and often unsightly scars. The main advantage of liposuction is that incisions are often no more that 1/4" in length and can be strategically placed leaving very minimal, if any, scarring.

Liposuction is a very rewarding surgical procedure because it accomplishes the goals established by the patient and the surgeon. It is important that you understand that all patients are different and the degree of surgical success differs with each patient. Your goals and expectations should be realistic.

Before and After

Liposuction in Newport Beach, Los Angeles, Southern California 

Liposuction Newport Beach, Los Angeles, Southern California
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If you are in the Newport Beach, Los Angeles, or Southern California area and would like more liposuction information or a consultation with Dr. Shamoun, please use our contact page.

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