I Before and After Photos  I Synmastia I Ripples I Malposition I Capsular Contractures I Bottoming Out I
Asymmetry I Deflation I Thinned Out Tissue I Double Bubble I

Bottoming Out: Implant has shifted too low. If present early, it is usually secondary to a technical error of overdissection. If present late, it is related to excessive weight of the implant, oversized implants, inadequate support or post-traumatic. Correction can be difficult and requires complex closure of the capsule at the desired inframammary fold.

lick on the patients to view restoration of the problem:
Patient 1  Patient 4

I  Augmentation   I  Augmentation Revisions   I   Congenital Deformities  I  
I  Augmentation and Lifts  I  Lifts  I  Reduction  I  Reconstruction  I  

©Copyright 2001, Dr. John M. Shamoun, M.D. All rights reserved.